Green Toilet Lux Composting Toilets

Green Toilet Lux composting toilets are waterless batch composting toilets that do not require water or electricity. The “GT Lux” toilets are designed for indoor use with a porcelain toilet pedestal that looks and feels just like a normal toilet.

How GT Lux is used

The Green Toilet Lux composting toilet is used just like any conventional flush toilet, except that the toilet is not flushed after use. The toilet comes with a sleek porcelain pedestal that you can sit on to do your thing. Male users may also urinate standing if preferred.

Toilet papers are tossed into the toilet as well.

After each use, one can add a little bit of dry material into the toilet to improve the compost quality within the Green Toilet system, but that is not mandatory. The dry material (such as hemp or peat) may also be added a greater amount at once per week for example.

Green Toilet Lux porcelain seat inside

Green Toilet Lux porcelain seat from above

Frequently Asked About the Use

Yes. Toilet papers are tossed into the toilet. The toilet paper will compost along the waste.

Yes. You can, and should, pee into the toilet.

No. All GT Lux toilets are completely odorless.

Technically speaking, yes you can, but we advise not to.

This is because if you throw other than toilet waste into the system, the toilet waste is no longer stable quality. Biowaste for example from kitchen leftovers might take a longer time to compost than toilet waste and therefore it could affect the batch composting process.

Also, food leftovers from kitchens generally attract a lot more insect and bugs than pure toilet waste, although you might not assume.

How GT Lux is installed

The Green Toilet Lux toilets are split-system toilets, which means that the toilet consists of two main parts: waterless porcelain toilet pedestal in bathroom and an external composting unit under the bathroom floor level. The porcelain pedestal is connected to the sub-floor composting unit with a 7-inch waste pipe.

Therefore, Green Toilet Lux toilets require clear space below bathroom floor level. The smaller Green Toilet Lux 120 requires 28 inches of clear space below the floor level, while the larger Green Toilet Lux 330 requires a minimum of 37 inches.

  • If you have more space then this, great(!), because then you have the freedom to choose any our split-system composting toilets. Generally, it pays off to have that ~3x capacity with the GT Lux 330 compared to the GT 120 Lux, but it of course depends on how many users you have for the toilet and if the toilet is used year-around or not.
  • If you do not have this much clear space, you might want to consider alternatively the GL 90 split-system, batch composting toilet or for example the CF 4 split-system, continuous composting toilet.
  • If you have no space at all below the floor level, then you should focus on our self-contained waterless toilet models.
Product Image Product Clearance Requirement
Green Toilet Lux 120 Composting toilet with spare container package Green Toilet Lux 120 Batch composting toilet 28″
Green Toilet Lux 330 Composting toilet with spare container package Green Toilet Lux 330 Batch composting toilet 37″

Frequent Asked about the Installation

Generally for indoor installations we recommend using an electric duct fan supplied with the product package. The fan is used to secure that the toilet remains odorless at all times, even if the conditions are not optimal (e.g. ventilation piping is not a straight line, dry material is not used, there’s a spike in the number of users etc.).

If there is no electricity available, we highly recommend equipping the system both with a solar panel fan and a whirlybird fan.

No. The composting container under the bathroom floor can stay outside in cold. It doesn’t affect the use of the toilet should the composting unit freeze.

Yes! The Green Toilet composting container has to be directly under the porcelain pedestal. In other words, the waste pipe connecting the two has to be vertically straight.

How GT Lux is serviced

The Green Toilet Lux toilets are batch composting toilets, which means that the system comes with an empty spare composting container that is switched into after the other composting container fills up. In other words, there are two containers that are in use one after the other.

Green Toilet Lux batch composting image


When the Green Toilet composting container under the floor fills up, the full container is drawn out and sealed with a closed lid. The full container is then replace with the empty(ied) spare container. Hence, the toilet remains in use all the time.

Green Toilet Service

There are several good things in batch composting:

  1. There is no need to shovel uncomposted/raw toilet waste.
  2. The service is quick and easy process.
  3. The service can be done even if the compost has frozen in very cold climate
  4. The capacity of the toilet can be extended with additional spare containers if needed (e.g. in public use)

Frequently Asked about the Service

Believe it or not, the compost inside the Green Toilet container does not smell at all!

That is because the liquids are separated within the composting unit.

Our recommendation is to use the compost for non-edible plants and trees as natural fertilizer.

What does the compost look like after emptying
The compost looks like this after it has been emptied from the Green Toilet

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Urine Separation in Composting Toilet Article

outhouse next to winter cottage (1)

outhouse next to winter cottage


open compost bin outdoors

open back bench-type-of seat
Installation principle of Green Toilet 120 and 330

Green Toilet 120 Family composting toilet installed

Green Toilet 120 Family installed underneath outhouse seat

Green Toilet 330 outhouse inside flat seat

Green Toilet 330 ventilation pipes

Green Toilet features ventilation pipes.

On top of the vent pipe stack here is a Whirlybird

Green Toilet double base from below

Green Toilet’s double base from below

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