Composting Toilets

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Composting Toilets

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The composting toilet is familiar to many as it is the most common, straightforward, and easiest model of dry toilets. In a composting toilet, all waste goes into the same container: urine, solid waste, and toilet paper.

Additionally, some type of bulking agent, such as hemp, peat, or sawdust is usually used to absorb liquids. When used correctly, a composting toilet produces nutrient-rich compost that cannot be distinguished by look or smell from its original form.

A good composting toilet has two important features: effective excess liquid removal and efficient ventilation. Composting requires that excess moisture be mechanically and aerodynamically separated from the mass. Most composting dry toilets rely on some form of liquid separation within the composting chamber. The excess liquids, so-called leachate, are channeled from the container either into a canister or through a special filter to the ground. Properly arranged ventilation dries the compost, resulting in less leachate to handle. Additionally, ventilation keeps the toilet space completely odorless.

Types of Composting toilets

Composting toilets come in two main types: batch composting toilets and continuous composting toilets. Batch composting toilets use multiple containers filled sequentially and left to compost. Continuous composting toilets have a single chamber that is gradually emptied from the back or bottom, removing ready compost in portions while fresh waste remains on top.

Where does a composting toilet fit?

Traditionally, composting dry toilets are purchased for outdoor outhouses at cottages, but increasingly they are also chosen for indoor dry toilets. The right model and proper installation ensure that the composting toilet is completely odorless, easy to maintain, and comfortable to use. In addition to wooden toilet models, models equipped with a porcelain dry toilet seat, have become popular. They are perfectly suitable for indoor dry toilets and also for year-round use.

The operating costs of a composting toilet are very low, as only the use of bulking agents and possibly an electric fan incur small expenses. Composting toilets are also often long-lasting, as they do not contain lots of moving parts that are easily breakable.

On the negative side, composting toilets can be seen as larger than some other toilet models, which can make installation more challenging. However, at Waterless Toilet Shop, we also have smaller composting toilets such as the Tiny-Pod, that can be easily fitted into tight spaces.

Does a composting toilet smell?

The most common question we encounter at Waterless Toilet Shop is: Does it smell? There are sayings due to old-time outhouses being quite smelly. Some talk about “visits at the back of the yard” because the outhouse had to be placed as far away as possible due to the odor nuisance.

Fortunately, the world has changed for the better in this regard. A composting dry toilet can indeed be less smelly than a normal flush toilet. The outhouse can be placed near other buildings, and the compost toilet can also be installed indoors. It is important to spend time on planning so that the sizing, assembly, and installation meet the usage needs. Here at Waterless Toilet Shop, we come into the picture! We have years of experience with dry toilets, which we offer to ensure your dry toilet installation is successful. So ask us for more information!

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